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The One

Updated: Sep 27, 2021

I love this because in music, when most people get lost in music, As long as you know where the one is, you can get by and find your way back into the music. In the words of Bernard Purdie, the Drummer, he would humbly say "Never forget where "The One" is.

I've been studying the Story of the Prodigal Son in the last couple months. I have been able to learn so much about myself, but most importantly, the Lords Heart towards His Children. As I've looked into the Story of the Prodigal Son, I remember a friend by the name of Tommy Russo said something that I will always remember when I read the Word. "Context". If you want to know more heart behind scripture, read all of the text surrounding verses. As I look into Luke 15, I see several stories adjacent to the Prodigal Son. I felt lead to ask the question, God why are these stories shared in the time Jesus was preaching to the crowd of Tax Collectors, Sinners, and Pharisees? Let Dive into Luke 15 as a whole.

He is a List of the stories, and the Main Idea I feel that Jesus is portraying for us.

I want the clarify the one, vs The One (the sinner and The One who Saves)

  1. Parable of the Lost Sheep- There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous persons who need no repentance "Jesus Words" That When the Sheep is found, we ought to Rejoice with friends and neighbors. Do in Public.

  2. The Parable of the Lost Coin- When one has lost a coin, does not a person light the lamp and sweep the house and seek until he or she finds it? The is Joy before the Angels of God over one sinner who Repents.

  3. The Parable of the Prodigal Son- That there two Sons, and one wandered and went astray, came back to the father with repentance, was celebrated, embraced, and Restored. As well as message to the Children of God who have been in fellowship and Family.

But If I had to summarize all three of these stories into one common theme. It would be this.

The One. These Parables Jesus speak of are centered around "The One". That God Emphasis on one is so important. That "The One" was lost, went astray, repented, was Found. That dependency on God the Father is Key.

I think about this because when I look at the audience Jesus was preaching too, this all made sense. As if he was telling the Crowd, Dude your looking at this picture all wrong. New Covenant is about the The One. The sinner was lost, then found, and Embraced the The One. God embracing the sinner, and Restoring him. That New Covenant isn't about performance or the Law, It's about understanding we need a savior. To know that we are Lost, in need of help, and reminded of Who we are because of What Christ Has Done for Us.

I can take it a step further and zoom out once again. That God illustrates all thoughout the bible The Greatest Love Story.

How He God the Father, is constantly reminding His Children to turn back to Him, and Come back to their "First Love"

Adam and Eve

All the Prophets


Jesus and His Ministry




That the whole bible is just one Big Love Story of God waiting for His people to Repent, and Come back Home. This is the Our Story Church. Let's turn away from ourselves, and find Identity in who He is in Us!. Amen

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